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Our instructors will take care of the rest.




Be ready to protect yourself and your loved ones!


We teach from scratch the basics of moving, avoiding blows and introducing them effectively. During these classes you have a chance to develop endurance, fitness, strength, speed, balance and coordination while losing unnecessary kilograms.


Treningi prowadzi zawodowy bokser - Klaudiusz, to trener pełen charyzmy i pasji, który zarazi Was miłością do boksu .

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A combat sport that uses both boxing punches and kicks. Develops strength, speed and endurance.
The instructor is a certified kickboxing trainer - Wojciech Szymański

As a competitor, he has been training kick sports since 2003, and he has been boxing since 2010.

He is also a certified self-defense trainer.




It is a martial art from Thailand. Characteristic kicks and elbow strikes give adepts of this art amazing effectiveness even when confronted with a much larger opponent. These types of strikes often result in quick knockouts.

Muay Thai is currently one of the most effective combat and self-defense sports.

The trainings are conducted by Marcin - a multiple medalist of the Championship Polski, an excellent trainer with mega power! :) 



They say it is the most beautiful of martial arts and the most dangerous of dances. In Brazil, its cultivation was prohibited by law until several decades ago. It comes from slaves who hid their training in the form of dancing.

Through acrobatics, constant movement and surprising spinning kicks, it is incredibly spectacular. It develops balance, sense of rhythm and speed. Unlike Asian martial arts, where harmony is achieved through calming down, practicing Capoeira brings with it a huge potential for joy and sunny Brazilian temperament.

Trainings are conducted by: Graduada Girassol i Contramester Frances



Mixed Martial Arts (Mixed Martial Arts) - a sport discipline in which competitors of martial arts and martial arts fight hand-to-hand using a wide range of permitted techniques. This is one of the modern directions in the development of martial arts - providing a sports spectacle in which the fight takes place with as few restrictions as possible, but at the same time minimizing the risk of death and serious, permanent bodily injury.

In MMA, the so-called cross-sectional training, preparing the competitor to fight both in the stand-up and on the ground and in close combat.

The training is conducted by Sebastian  - a man of legend in martial arts

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BOXING Juniors


A special training program and lots of healthy fun :)
We teach how to control strength, emotions, develop coordination, reflexes, will to fight and shape character!


Monday 17:00
Wednesday 17:00

Friday 18:00

We are waiting for new champions!

Classes are conducted by a great fighter and trainer by vocation - Adnan

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CAPOEIRA for kids


Give your child passion and a large dose of healthy movement!

Zajęcia CAPOEIRA doskonale kształtują u dzieci równowagę, poczucie rytmu i_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_motor coordination.
Contrary to the classic martial arts, where harmony is achieved through calming down, practicing Capoeira brings with it a huge potential of joy and sunny Brazilian temperament.

Classes are held in two age groups

4-6 years and  7-12 years


Training is conducted by a true kid whisperer - Contramestre Francês

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